Nick Stanko | Course Czar

Favorite Place to Run in Ann Arbor: Treetown Tussle loop.

Strangest Thing I’ve Experienced While Running: I had someone throw a Slurpee at me from their car while I was running in high school.

Post-Run Cravings: Ham and brie croissant from White Lotus Farms.

Evan Hicks | PR Run Club Ambassador

Favorite Place to Run in Ann Arbor: I've always appreciated the challenge that Barton Hills provides. I feel like I've had my best runs through the neighborhoods there and on the dirt roads that follow

Strangest Thing I’ve Experienced While Running: a dog that ran 2-3 miles with me during a marathon. The dog was just trotting along and mocking me with how calmly it kept pace. We eventually had a volunteer at a water stop grab the dog since he kept cutting me off.

Post-Run Cravings: After a long run in Ann Arbor, I always stop and get a dozen bagels from either Barry Bagels or MD Bagel Fragel. There's a unique sense of accomplishment and satisfaction that comes with running 20 miles hard and then stuffing your face with four bagels. I freeze the remainder for my breakfasts and then do the same thing next week!

Joe Coeling | Spiritual Advisor

Favorite Place to Run in Ann Arbor: Hard to pick a favorite running spot in town, but Argo certainly has the most memories for me. Lots of summer loops!

Strangest Thing I’ve Experienced While Running: Not super strange, but back in 2016 I got lost on a route (still getting to know town) and accidentally merged with a group of people doing timed intervals. I ran a round with them and later joined their run club! Thanks, Colleen at PR!

Post-Run Cravings: After a long run, all I want is the #10 (reuben) from Dimos. That sandwich has my heart.

Brent McDermott | Man Behind The Curtain

Favorite Place to Run in Ann Arbor: Barton Hills loop or dirt hammer on Warren / Joy Rd.

Strangest Thing I’ve Experienced While Running: A dog once bit my shorts off (literally) on the B2B. There are photos on Strava to prove it.

Post-Run Cravings: Pancakes from Avalon / pizza from NYPD

Abdullah Hashsham | M-Run Ambassador

Favorite Place to Run in Ann Arbor: : I was in Bursley Hall freshman year so I always love running around and exploring North Campus, especially at night! (Also anywhere along the Huron River and Barton Pond!)

Strangest Thing I’ve Experienced While Running: Last year on a shakeout run the night before a race with a couple MRun teammates around the hotel we were staying, we got desperately lost. None of us brought our phones and every hotel in the area looked exactly the same as the one we thought we had dropped our stuff at. It eventually got to the point where we thought it just didn't exist anymore (like it was an episode of the Twilight Zone.) Needless to say, we were within a quarter mile of it the whole time and just didn't realize it. Definitely spooky though.

Post-Run Cravings: Any kind of breakfast food - the unhealthier, the better.

Adam Hughes | Big Idea Guy

Favorite Place to Run in Ann Arbor: Trail link from Home to The Bluffs Nature Area into Bird Hills into Barton into Argo into BTB into Cedar Bend Nature Area into Arb to Home

Strangest Thing I’ve Experienced While Running: I got off trail in the dark at mile 60 of a 100K race and ran in the wrong direction for over 3 miles following a part of the course I had been on previously in the day

Post-Run Cravings:

Banana/PB smoothie


Breakfast Burrito from Jefferson Market

In that order 👆🏽